Some pushback here. I'm in Argentina right now, and I know people who run a large suburban testing center. I'm also therefore in contact with the people who run a large suburban jurisdiction. Omicron is very widespread and it is astonishing the number of people I know who have gotten or are getting sick ... yet there is really very little effect. Testing is coping, there are no shortages, public services are running despite higher absenteeism. Bars and restaurants have not been affected in any noticeable way. The number of ICU patients is running well below the previous peak.

So either we haven't yet seen peak effects or I am missing something vital. Help me out? Because right now this wave is not seeming particularly disruptive.

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I'd be happy to be wrong. But I also think Argentina, while at the front of the pack in South America, still hasn't peaked yet in terms of cases and disruptions. Let's see where ends up in the next few weeks. Thanks for the update from on the ground!

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Dental offices are experiencing staffing problems, along with other parts of the health care system. But things seem very far from collapse, at least from the outside.

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