In today’s edition:
Argentina - Corruption concerns drive Fernandez opponents
Honduras - High levels of insecurity; lack of trust in institutions
Mexico - Corruption scandals don’t dent AMLO’s approval rating
Peru - The president is more popular than his government
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Argentina - Corruption concerns drive Fernandez opponents

Above: M&F poll via Cronista
A Management & Fit poll gives President Alberto Fernandez 46% approval and 43% disapproval. That is an eleven point drop since April.
Asked about the top issue the country faces, 31% of the country says corruption. That includes a majority of those who disapprove of Fernandez but only 10% of those who support the president. That divide is important to understanding the recent protests against judicial reform.
Among those who support Fernandez, economic issues including unemployment and poverty are the top issues the country faces.
Among both Fernandez supporters and opponents, approximately 20% say insecurity is the country’s top issue.
Honduras - High levels of insecurity; lack of trust in institutions

Above: UNAH via Tiempo
This poll is from late 2019, but was not published until recently and I only just saw it for the first time this week.
90% of Hondurans say they feel unsafe.
11% self-report that they were a victim of a crime in the previous 12 months.
32% have confidence in the police
15% have confidence in the president.
Mexico - Corruption scandals don’t dent AMLO’s approval rating

Above: El Economista tracking poll
Two polls published today help support my analysis from yesterday that says corruption scandals aren’t hurting AMLO. Both El Universal and El Economista have AMLO’s approval rating at 54%. El Universal has his disapproval at 36% while El Economist has it at 45%.
El Universal polled twice in August and found no real difference in AMLO’s approval rating even after the videos of corruption were shown in the media. When asked why they support AMLO, 28% of his supporters said it is his personal honesty and 17% said his fight against corruption.
Peru - The president is more popular than his government

This month’s Ipsos poll has President Martin Vizcarra’s approval rating at 60% with 37% disapproving.
When the question is about the executive branch of the government, only 40% approve and 52% disapprove. Vizcarra is also significantly more popular than his ministers.
Vizcarra’s relative popularity compared to his government is an interesting difference from what is occurring in a few other countries including Chile and Brazil, where governments and ministers are more popular than the presidents.
Thanks for reading
I plan to continue publishing new and interesting polling that I find from around Latin America every Wednesday. Feedback is appreciated.