Friday Reading List - 12 May 2023
Good morning and happy Friday! This week we covered the vote to select members of Chile’s new Constitutional Council. You can read that newsletter here.
I (Lucy) also have an announcement to share: Today is my last day at Hxagon and the Latin America Risk Report. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to this newsletter over the past two and a half years, and I owe a huge debt to Boz and the rest of the Hxagon team for their steadfast support and encouragement during my time at Hxagon. Thank you to all the readers who support the newsletter, and I look forward to enjoying the LARR as a loyal subscriber!
Here are this week's links and upcoming events.
Reading List
CSIS - Insulate, Curtail, Compete: Sketching a U.S. Grand Strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean
Bloomberg - ‘Nearshoring’ Push Is Fueling Tech Job Demand in Latin America
Global Americans - The Banker to Dictators: A Call to Elect Accountable Leadership at CABEI
Americas Quarterly - Another Bolsonaro Takes Center Stage
Global Americans - Brazil’s Rising Challenges in the New World Order
Associated Press - Brazil’s Amazon megaprojects threaten Lula’s green ambitions
Guardian - Why is Google stonewalling regulation in Brazil?
Economist - Why chaos looms at the US-Mexico border
New York Times - Mexico Allows Tens of Thousands of Migrants to Travel to U.S. Border
WOLA - 10 Things to Know About the End of Title 42
Reuters - How El Chapo’s sons built a fentanyl empire poisoning America
Insight Crime - How Precursor Chemicals Sustain Mexico's Synthetic Drug Trade
Rest of World - How feminist groups in Mexico are aiding abortion seekers in the U.S.
Guardian - Mother’s Day brings only grief for those seeking Mexico’s disappeared
National Interest - It’s Time to Look Beyond Venezuelan Presidential Elections
Americas Quarterly - The U.S. Should Have Moderate Expectations for Venezuela’s Election
WSJ - Venezuelan Migrants Set Sights on U.S. After Finding Hardship in Colombia
CSIS - Forgotten Frontlines: Aruba, Curaçao, and the Venezuelan Displacement Crisis
Insight Crime - Venezuela's New Asset Forfeiture Law Unlikely to End Corruption
Pirate Wire Services - In Colombia Corruption is So Widespread Even the Fantastic is Mundane
Financial Times - Colombia doubles down on shift away from oil and mining
Washington Post - The pink river dolphins of the Amazon have a warning for humans
Argentina Politics Update - 10 May 2023
Americas Quarterly - In Chile and Elsewhere, Crime Is the New Corruption
World Politics Review - Chile and Argentina Are Playing Against Type on Lithium Mining
Guardian - ‘There’s no water’: migrants stranded in Chilean desert as Peru closes border
New York Times - Ecuador Strikes a Landmark Deal to Protect the Galápagos, and Save Cash
CFR - Crisis in Quito: President Guillermo Lasso Heads to Impeachment Vote
Washington Post - Ecuadoran lawmakers put President Lasso on impeachment’s path
Insight Crime - Haiti’s Anti-Gang Vigilantes May Pose Future Criminal Threat
New Statesman - Haiti’s descent into hell
Global Americans - On the Trail of Suriname’s Illicit Gold Proceeds
New York Times - What’s Driving Record Levels of Migration to the U.S. Border?
Upcoming Events
15 May, Brookings - The future of the US-Brazil relationship
17 May, CSIS - Building an Alliance of Civilizations in an Age of Disruptions
23 May, Wilson Center - The Inner-Workings of the Mexican Supreme Court: Opening the Black Box
23 May, Institute of the Americas - Webinar sobre la Huella Ecológica de la Industria Marítima
1-2 June, Inter-American Dialogue, OAS, CAF Development Bank of Latin America - 26th Annual CAF Conference
6 June, Inter-American Dialogue - Riesgos ante el cambio climático para la República Dominicana
21 June, Wilson Center - Building a Competitive U.S.-Mexico Border Conference
25 May, Wilson Center - Beyond Debt Traps: The Co-Production of China-Latin America Relations
27-28 June, Institute of the Americas - Brazil Energy and Sustainability Roundtable